On the family front:
Well, everything is finally getting back to normal over here. I would like to thank everybody for their kind thoughts and beautiful flowers that were sent! I still have flowers filling my house. We still have a few loss ends to tie up, but we are getting there.

Matthew Jr. Is just about crawling! I can't believe how big he is getting! So big, so fast! I think that I saw a tooth this morning that might be popping up soon! I can't believe it! Crawling, teeth, where did the time go? He is going to be 8 months on Feb. 26th. Oh my!
Emily and Sarah are doing well, too. They are both enjoying their ballet classes very much. Emily is also enjoying her art class. They are doing cartooning right now and she loves it!
On the knitting front:
I am currently working on a baby boy outfit for the Preemie Project. I am using this pattern. I am not sure what size baby it is going to be for yet. I think maybe a small preemie. This is the first item I have knit something that requires shaping. It is also the first project that I have blocked! I thought that it would be difficult, but it was so easy. I am actually embarrassed that I put off knitting items that needed to be blocked because I was afraid to do it!

I have found a pattern for a sailor hat. It was written for a small child, but I think that I can alter it for a preemie. I have never done this before, so it will be interesting to see what happens. I will keep you all updated on the progress.
I also have another project on-the-needles: a dishcloth style baby blanket for Sarah's preschool teacher. I want to start on a pair of socks for me. It is very rare that I knit for myself, so I'm not sure when I'll justify starting these with all the other projects I want to start!
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